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Decisions Decoded: The MIND+FUL ViBE Approach to Life's Crossroads

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

Introduction - The Essence of Intuition:

In the labyrinth of life, every turn presents a decision. Some choices are straightforward, while others are riddled with complexities. But what if there was a compass to guide us? Enter the realm of "Intuitive Decision Making," a harmonious blend of gut feelings and rational thought. This post delves deep into the art and science of making decisions that resonate with our true selves.

At the heart of intuitive decision-making lies our innate ability to 'feel' what's right. It's that inexplicable gut feeling that often guides us. But can we trust it? By defining our fears, visualizing the worst-case scenarios, we can confront our anxieties and make decisions with a clearer mind.

The Importance of Sound Decision Making: Making the right choices is crucial, yet many factors can lead us astray:

  • Incomplete or False Information: In today's digital age, the internet is rife with unverified data, leading us to base decisions on incorrect or misleading information.

  • Emotions: As emotional beings, our feelings can sometimes overshadow rational thought, clouding our judgment.

  • Rush and Hurry: Whether due to looming deadlines or the habit of procrastination, hasty decisions often lack thorough consideration.

1. Defining our Fears to balance our Goals:

Tim Ferriss, in his enlightening TED talk, introduces the concept of defining our fears. Instead of merely setting goals, which is the traditional approach, he suggests we should also visualize our worst-case scenarios. By confronting and understanding our deepest anxieties, we can make decisions with a clearer mind.

· Premeditation of Evils (Premeditatio Malorum): A Stoic exercise where one visualizes the worst-case scenarios in detail that you fear, preventing you from taking action. This helps in overcoming paralysis and taking proactive steps.

· Fear Setting Exercise: A three-page written exercise where you:

  • Define the worst things that could happen if you take a certain action.

  • List steps to prevent these worst-case scenarios.

  • Identify ways to repair the situation if the worst happens.

· Benefits of Attempt: Consider the potential benefits of trying something, even if it's not a complete success.

· Cost of Inaction: Reflect on the negative outcomes of not taking any action.

· Hard Choices, Easy Life: Making difficult decisions can lead to a simpler, more fulfilling life.

However, while it's essential to recognize our fears, it's equally crucial to define our goals. Goals act as beacons, guiding us towards our desired outcomes. They represent our aspirations, dreams, and the future we envision for ourselves.

By harmonizing our fears with our goals, we can navigate the intricate maze of choices with confidence, ensuring that our decisions resonate with both our intuitive feelings and our rational aspirations.

2. Trusting the Journey:

Steve Jobs, in his iconic 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, spoke about "connecting the dots." He emphasized the importance of trusting in the journey, even when the path is unclear. By following his intuition and passion, Jobs made decisions that, in hindsight, seemed perfectly aligned. His approach wasn't about overthinking but about feeling and experiencing life.

Steve Jobs once eloquently remarked, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward." This profound insight teaches us that every experience, no matter how seemingly insignificant at the moment, plays a role in shaping our future. By trusting the process and believing that the dots will somehow connect down the road, we can make decisions with a broader perspective, embracing both the known and the unknown.

But what drives one to collect these dots? For Jobs, it was an insatiable curiosity. He didn't tread the well-worn path laid out by society. Instead, he trusted his intuition and pursued what genuinely intrigued him. This led him to a calligraphy class, a decision that might have seemed whimsical at the time. Yet, this 'dot' profoundly influenced the design aesthetics of Apple products, emphasizing that our diverse experiences can come together in unexpected ways to create something revolutionary.

Life is not a linear journey, and Jobs' life was testament to this. From being given up for adoption to dropping out of college, he faced challenges that could have easily derailed many. However, in his eyes, these weren't setbacks. They were integral parts of his journey, each adding a unique shade to his life's canvas.

In the realm of intuitive decision-making, it's essential to recognize that setbacks are not roadblocks but detours leading us to our destined path. By embracing life's challenges and viewing them as opportunities for growth, we can make decisions that are not only intuitive but also deeply transformative.

3. Thinking Like a Computer: A Methodical Approach to Decision-Making

In the vast realm of decision-making, intuition often acts as our guiding star. It's that innate feeling, a gut reaction, that nudges us in a particular direction. However, solely relying on intuition can sometimes lead us astray, especially when faced with complex dilemmas. This is where the concept of "thinking like a computer" comes into play.

While intuition is powerful, complementing it with logical analysis can be transformative. Imagine breaking down life's problems like a computer, methodically and systematically. This approach allows us to weigh the pros and cons, ensuring our decisions are well-rounded.

  • Systematic Analysis: Just as a computer processes information in a structured manner, we can approach our decisions methodically. By breaking down problems step by step, we can dissect them, understanding each facet in detail.

  • Weighing Pros and Cons: A computer evaluates all possible outcomes before executing a command. Similarly, when making decisions, it's crucial to consider both the advantages and potential pitfalls. This balanced assessment ensures that our choices are not only instinctive but also well-informed.

  • Iterative Problem Solving: Computers often run multiple iterations to find the best solution. In our decision-making process, we can adopt a similar approach. If one solution doesn't fit, reevaluate and try another approach. This iterative method ensures that we explore various avenues before settling on a final decision.

  • Optimal Stopping: Just as algorithms determine the best time to stop a process, we can decide when it's optimal to cease gathering information and make a decision, ensuring efficiency.

  • Explore-Exploit Trade-off: Computers often balance between exploring new options and exploiting known solutions. Similarly, we should balance between trying new approaches and sticking with what works.

  • Simplifying Complex Problems: Computers excel at breaking down complex tasks into simpler, manageable chunks. We can adopt this strategy to make daunting decisions more approachable.

  • Least Recently Used (Memory Computer Alike): Drawing inspiration from computer memory management, prioritize recent, relevant information while making decisions and let go of outdated data.

  • Accepting Imperfections: Just as no software is entirely bug-free, no decision is perfect. Recognizing and accepting this imperfection can lead to more realistic and achievable outcomes.

By integrating the precision of computer-like thinking with the power of intuition, we can ensure that our decisions are both instinctual and analytically sound, leading to outcomes that resonate with our goals and values.

4. The Paradox of Choice: Navigating the Maze of Endless Choices

In the modern era, we're not just spoilt for choice; we're often overwhelmed by it. Whether it's picking the perfect coffee blend, charting a career trajectory, or swiping right for a potential partner, the world presents us with a dizzying array of options. But here's the twist: is having more choices genuinely liberating, or does it trap us in a cycle of indecision and regret?

  • Drowning in a Sea of Options: Every day, we're inundated with choices. From the aisles of supermarkets to the vast digital landscapes of streaming platforms, the abundance can be both a blessing and a curse. While variety is the spice of life, too much of it can leave us feeling lost.

  • The Double-Edged Sword of Comparison: With a world of options at our fingertips, it's natural to wonder if we're making the 'right' choice. This constant evaluation and re-evaluation can rob us of the joy found in our decisions, leaving us perpetually unsatisfied.

  • Frozen by Fear: The more choices we have, the harder it becomes to make a decision. This phenomenon, often termed 'analysis paralysis,' sees us stuck in a loop of overthinking, fearful of making the wrong move.

  • Chasing Perfection: In a world brimming with choices, we're led to believe there's an ideal option waiting just around the corner. This pursuit of perfection can set us up for disappointment when reality doesn't match our lofty expectations.

  • Finding Freedom in Limitation: Renowned psychologist Barry Schwartz, in his insightful TED talk, posits an intriguing idea: sometimes, constraints can be freeing. By narrowing down our options, we can make decisions that are not only quicker but also more fulfilling.

In essence, while the world offers us a vast horizon of choices, perhaps the key to true satisfaction lies in knowing when to limit our gaze.


Life is a vast tapestry, where every thread signifies a decision. Some threads weave seamlessly, while others demand careful attention. To navigate this intricate design, we need a holistic approach that combines the wisdom of our intuition with the precision of methodical analysis. This ensures decisions that are not only well-informed but also resonate deeply with our core values.

MIND+FUL ViBE Decision-Making© - A Fresh Perspective on Choices:

In the intricate mosaic of life, every piece symbolizes a decision. Some fit seamlessly, while others demand precision. The MIND+FUL ViBE theory introduces a pioneering yet humble approach to decision-making, merging intuition, systematic analysis, and a comprehension of the paradox of choice. This comprehensive method ensures decisions that are not only instinctive but also analytically robust and aligned with our core beliefs.

Here are the key pillars of the MIND+FUL ViBE decision making concept/framework:

M - Methodical Analysis:

  • Break down challenges systematically, weighing pros and cons.

  • Use a cyclical approach to explore multiple solutions.

  • Simplify complex issues, making decisions more approachable.

I - Intuitive Resonance:

  • Trust your instincts; they often guide our best choices.

  • Value every experience, understanding its role in shaping our path.

  • See challenges not as roadblocks but as detours leading to our goals.

N - Navigating Choices:

  • Understand that too many options can lead to indecision.

  • Focus on choices that align with your core beliefs.

  • Embrace constraints, realizing they can sometimes free us.

D - Defined Goals:

  • Establish clear goals to light your way forward.

  • Pursue your dreams while acknowledging and addressing fears.

F - Fear Recognition:

  • Identify and understand your fears to make clearer decisions.

  • Use fear as a guide, not a hindrance.

U - Understanding Paradoxes:

  • Dive into the intricacies of choices, seeking to understand contradictions.

  • Appreciate the unknown, finding joy in the journey itself.

L - Limiting Overwhelm:

  • In a world of endless choices, focus on what truly matters.

  • Streamline decisions by emphasizing quality over quantity.

Vi - Value Integration:

  • Recognize and honor your core values in every decision.

  • Ensure actions reflect these values for genuine satisfaction.

  • Adjust values based on context, and regularly revisit them to stay true to your evolving self.

B - Bias Evasion:

  • Be aware of your biases and how they might influence you.

  • Challenge your assumptions regularly.

  • Engage with diverse viewpoints to broaden your perspective.

  • Commit to ongoing education about biases and their effects.

  • Use feedback as a tool to identify and rectify biases.

E - Empowered Decision-Making:

  • Own your decisions, understanding they shape your journey.

  • Learn from every choice, using missteps as growth opportunities.

  • Celebrate decisions that reflect your true self.

  • Commit to personal growth, refining your values and combating biases.

The MIND+FUL ViBE theory is our modest contribution to the world of decision-making. It's about blending instinct with thoughtful analysis, helping us navigate the myriad of choices in a way that's genuine and well-considered.

With MINDFUL ViBe, we're aiming for decisions that are clear, based on what truly matters to us, and free from those sneaky biases that can trip us up. It's about making choices you can stand by and be proud of.

Think of MIND+FUL ViBE as a simple tool in your decision-making toolkit. It's about using your head and heart together, making choices that feel right and make sense.Hopefully this offer a fresh perspective, a new lens to view the intricate dance of decisions.


a fresh integrated concept by Mas Bidjaksono from :

A regular Joe in most respects, an everyday explorer with a knack for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. He's spent countless hours sifting through sources, but with an insatiable appetite for fresh insights. Always on the hunt for captivating perspectives with a curious mind, who believes that every day is a chance to learn something new, where writings are a delightful blend of profound insights and playful musings.


Sources & References:

YouTube Video:

  • Title: The surprising science of happiness | Dan Gilbert

  • Channel: TED

  • Publication Date: 1/16/2007

  • Citation: TED. (2007, January 16). The surprising science of happiness | Dan Gilbert. [Video]. YouTube.


  • Name: Decision Education Foundation

  • Citation: Decision Education Foundation. (n.d.). [Website]. URL not provided.

YouTube Video:

  • Title: 3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer | Tom Griffiths

  • Channel: TED

  • Publication Date: 10/5/2018

  • Citation: TED. (2018, October 5). 3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer | Tom Griffiths. [Video]. YouTube.

YouTube Video:

  • Title: The paradox of choice | Barry Schwartz

  • Channel: TED

  • Publication Date: 1/16/2007

  • Citation: TED. (2007, January 16). The paradox of choice | Barry Schwartz. [Video]. YouTube.

YouTube Video:

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